Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Lesson with Stella
  1. Schubert Waltz in b. Note1: play right hand a little deeply. Note2: the modulation is: b minor, D Major, b minor, B Major. The cords in the left hand are simple the inversion and dominant. Analyze it.
  2. Schubert Serenade. We played it together. Note1: move up the tempo.
Evening practice:
  1. I memorized the Waltz.
  2. I went through TPI 1, 8, 13. I worked out the parts where I usually have technical difficulties. Note: I have to change my habit of repeating the whole piece; it is better just to focus on one difficult aspect and polish it.
  3. I went through 3 more bars of WTC I Prelude in c (hands together). Now I am on bar no 7.

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